我的日常生活也发生了很大变化。My daily life has definitely changed.隔离之前,我起床后就去公司完成工作,周末会出去采购,同时逛逛武汉。Before the quarantine, I would wake up and come into the office and do various tasks. And I'd spend the weekends going grocery shopping and exploring the city of Wuhan.有次我在地铁上,一直坐到了终点站,最后到了东湖,那是武汉的著名景点,很美。那之后我就没什么机会出去了。One time I jumped onto the metro link and I just took it very far in one direction. And I ended up at East Lake, which is actually a really pretty lake that's famous in Wuhan. Since then I haven't really been able to go outside much.隔离开始第一天,我们去超市, 蔬菜都被买光了, 大家都赶着抢方便面、大米,还有其他日用品。On the first day when we went to the supermarket, all of the vegetables had been taken off of the shelves, and bought, and everybody was running around trying to get instant noodles and rice and other things for their home.过几天情况就好多了,可以去日常采购了。After a couple of days, it settled down, and you could go to the grocery store pretty regularly.但是隔离进一步严格之后,食品杂货都是专人送到社区了。我们的社区有专门的送货员,你可以在线下单,买蔬菜、鸡蛋、鱼、大蒜什么的。But then after the quarantine got more strict, they started delivering groceries to communities. In our community, they have grocery deliveries and you can order a big bag of vegetables or eggs and fish and garlic and stuff.社区还有专人运送大家订的面包,就在篮球场上,用纸标好各个订单的名字,方便大家拿取自己的订单。Someone from the community will bring in a couple orders of bread and will stand out on the basketball court and knock off their name on the piece of paper, so that we can make sure that everybody's getting what they ordered.
江城如画 三镇鼎立浴火重生 永载史册武汉土地面积8569.15平方公里常住人口1365.5万人建设中的国家中心城市和长江经济带核心城市加快疫后经济全面恢复加大项目建设和招商引资力度
2022-06-29 14:54:35瞰武汉4月11日0—24时,我市新增12例无症状感染者,现将有关情况通报如下:无症状感染者1:系上海返汉人员。
2022-04-12 10:05:07武汉2022年9月7日,武汉,江汉路的一家名为“OOTD”的自助服装工作室,店主王旭情在熨烫服装。近日,一家无人值守的“自助服装店”出现在武汉。据介绍,该店通过社交媒体吸引顾客。
2022-09-07 21:15:53自助服装店