隔离第一天,我们就开始在抖音上发视频, 因为我们想展示下真实的情况,然后这就成了我们传播正能量的渠道。We started making TikToks on the first day of the quarantine, because we wanted to exhibit what was actually happening. After that it's become our way of being positive news.
我们想展示出来,我们是怎么苦中求乐的。So we try to show people the best of the worst situation that we're in.我们发的内容没有虚假,全都很真实,我本来就是很积极向上的人,我只想把这份正能量传递给全世界有类似处境的所有人。Nothing on there is really a lie. Everything's pretty honest because I'm a pretty positive person anyways. And I just wanna spread that positivity to people all around the world who are dealing with the same thing.说起抖音,我其实一开始也没想到以这种形式发布消息,但现在我们在抖音上的收获最大,上面有很多积极的评论。As far as TikTok goes, that's not the platform that I would have first thought to do for this kind of news, but it's been one of the most beneficial ones. There's a lot of positive comments on there.
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