很多人说我是英雄,我觉得有点过奖了,但我也很感激。A lot of people are telling me that I'm a hero which I think is a little bit too far, but also I'm very gracious for that.当然也有人要我去死,说我发视频是收了政府的钱,都是宣传手段。But some people are saying that they wish I would die and that the government is paying me to make these videos and that it's propaganda.我这次就借中国日报的平台说实话。我没有收政府的钱,视频不是宣传手段,我也不会死,因为我比病毒强大, 你们也是。And here I am on real China Daily news to tell you. No, I'm not being paid by the government. It's not propaganda and I'm not gonna die because I'm stronger than this virus. And you are too.我只希望给孩子们做好榜样, 因为我希望他们能为自己在乎的事大胆发声, 以后也可以有自己的抖音账号, 也会有人认真听他们的想法。I just care about being a good role model for my kids, because I want them to be able to speak up about the things that are important to them and maybe someday have their own TikTok channels where they can have people listening to the important things they have to say.我只是从自己的角度发布消息,美国有很多人面对病毒已经抓狂了。I'm just here to give the news from my perspective. A lot of people in the United States are freaking out about this virus.我发视频的时候,有人说,你是白人,肯定不会感染病毒。但病毒不是这样的,现在已经扩散到了全世界,并且与种族完全无关。When I posted one of my videos, someone said, obviously, you're not going to get the virus because you're white. But that's not how the virus works. It's spread all over the world now. It doesn't care what your race is.有人说病毒专门感染中国人。我觉得大家应该各退一步,相互妥协一下,这样才能消除疫情带来的种种负面影响。People that are saying that are just racist against Chinese people. So I think that everyone just needs to take a step back and meet each other in the middle, so that we can mitigate all of the negative effects that have been coming from this.
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