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想让人们乖乖待在家,需要将大量基础设施建设落实到位。比如,给人们派送食物和医疗必需用品。这就需要全面的社会动员。事实证明,中国是正确的。In order to allow people to stay at home。 You have to put in place a tremendous infrastructure, but you’ve got to deliver the food to them。 You‘ve got to deliver essential medical supply。 So it needs an all-out social mobilization。 The facts prove that China was correct。


罗斯认为,在这一关键时期,不应带有政治目的去批判中国,反而应该多向中国学习。我不是在批评任何人,因为现在形势不容乐观,不是进行政治性批判或攻击任何人的时候。我只想让这些国家学习中国,而不是像西方媒体那样批评中国,他们应该积极同中国交流,向中国咨询建议。I‘m not saying this to criticize anybody, because the situation is much too serious to engage in sort of political or other types of attacking of people。 What I want them to do is I want them to study China instead of the criticism which is appearing in western press。 They should be desperately in contact with China, asking them for advice。

罗斯表示,中国制造业完备,可以给其他医疗设备短缺的国家提供帮助,因此,他诚挚地建议各国与中国多交流,多咨询。中国拥有世界上最大的制造业,他们可以帮助其他国家解决医疗设备短缺的问题。所以无论怎么说,他们都应该同中国交流,咨询可行的建议,请求切实可行的帮助。这是我想强调的一点。现在西方的情况甚至比中国最糟的时候还要糟糕多了。China is also by far the biggest manufacturing country in the world。 They can help enormously with the supplies of medical equipment。 So in every sense, they should be in contact and asking for every possible advice, every possible practical help from China。 That‘s what I want to stress。 Really the situation in the West is much worse than the situation that was even at the worst time of China。



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