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截至当地时间3月30日,美国累计确诊病例为16万。如果按照相同人口来换算,这一数据相当于中国的(确诊病例有)70万,但现在中国的总确诊病例刚刚超过8万。这意味着,从人口数量来计算,美国现在的情况比中国糟糕十倍。Or if you look at the cumulative cases in the US, which is 160,000 as of today, actually compared to China, that is 700,000。 Now the total number of cases in China is just slightly over 80,000。 This means that the situation in the United States in terms of the population is 10 times as bad as the situation in China。


罗斯首先分析了美国疫情控制不力的原因就在于:没有采取严格措施。美国没有采取严格的防疫措施,没有强制让百姓戴口罩,还让他们往外跑。如果持续放任不管,病例数据还会一直增长。And this is because they are not taken extremely rigorous measures。 They not making mask wearing compulsory。 They are allowing people to go out。 And if you do this, the number of cases will continue to rise。

(美国)政府跟民众说,这不是封城,这是对出行的建议。很遗憾,我觉得这样的措施根本没有用。必须要正式封城,否则不会见效。……the United States, saying this is not a lockdown, this is a travel advice。 I‘m sorry that these measures won’t deal with it。 You have to have a proper lockdown otherwise you won‘t do。

因而,他得出结论,其他国家都会陆续采纳中国的抗疫方案:采取严格措施,同时要保障民生……因为事实证明,这些措施才是有效的。最本质的问题是,是否采取了最严格的措施,比如说,是不是只是简单地给人们提出建议。逐渐地,其他国家都会开始实施和中国类似的举措。But the fundamental thing that you‘ve got to understand is that you’ve got to impose the stricTest123 possible measures。 For example, just simply giving people advice and so on。 Gradually each country will be forced to move towards the type of measures which China‘s taught me。



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