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我认为,所有歪曲事实的无理言论最终都会消失。人们会明白中国是唯一一个完全控制住疫情的国家。因此,中国是你们最应该学习的。So my view is that all the misrepresentations and nonsense which is coming out will fall away。 And people will understand that China is the only country which has got the virus fully under control。 And therefore that‘s the country which you have to study most。

此外,他认为面对来势汹汹的疫情,批评中国完全不合时宜。这可是二战以来最严重的全球灾难性事件。我觉得现在的情况非常严峻,这些批评中国的无理言论都很不合时宜。Because I think this is going to be the most global cataclysmic event since world war II。 I think the situation is so serious that all this nonsense which is appeared in about China‘s criticism all just cut through。


接下来,罗斯对比了西欧、美国与中国的情况,他认为考虑到中国人口基数大的事实,仅从绝对数字上作比较非常不现实。而从严重程度上来看,欧洲和美国的情况比中国糟糕得多。西欧和美国的疫情远比中国严重。单单把疫情数据拿出来作比较毫无意义,中国人口世界排名第一,是美国人口的四倍之多,是意大利的二十三倍。… the outbreak in Western Europe and the United States is much, much worse than the one in China, because it‘s not very meaningful to make a comparison between absolute numbers when China’s population is so much bigger than that of other countries。 It‘s more than four times the size of the United States population, 23 times the size of Italy’s population。

如果意大利和中国的确诊病例数相同,从疫情严重程度来看,意大利的情况比中国严重二十三倍。That means, therefore, for example, when you have the same number of cases in Italy and in China, this actually means the situation is 23 times as bad in Italy in terms of intensity。

