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In a late-night proclamation signed by President Trump, the White House said the government will only accept immigrant visa petitions made abroad if the applicants demonstrate that they will have the ability to secure health insurance within a month of their arrival in the U.S. If that's not possible, then petitioners would need to prove they have the financial resources to pay "reasonably foreseeable medical costs" — a standard not defined in the order.


The order claims U.S. hospitals and health care providers are not being reimbursed for treating those who are uninsured. "The costs associated with this care are passed on to the American people in the form of higher taxes, higher premiums, and higher fees for medical services," the proclamation reads.


According to the order, the new requirement will not apply to people who already hold immigrant visas, asylum seekers, refugees, children of U.S. citizens living overseas or holders of special visas for Iraqi and Afghan nationals who helped U.S. forces in those countries.

