Around this period, there was discussion for a new logo for McDonald's, and design consultant Louis Cheskin convinced the company to maintain its branding with the arches.当时大家正讨论给麦当劳设计一个新标志,设计顾问路易斯·彻斯金说服公司保留了原有的金色拱门品牌标志。
Cheskin argued that the golden arches carried the 'Freudian symbolism of a pair of nourishing breasts,' the BBC reported. 据BBC报道,彻斯金建议说,金拱门“在弗洛伊德学说中象征着一对有营养的乳房。”
In this time period, the effects of Freudian theory were still reshaping the world and Cheskin's view is a deeply Freudian concept.在当时,弗洛伊德学说的影响仍在重塑着世界,彻斯金的意见深受弗洛伊德学说的影响。