Picking a Chinese name can be tricky for foreign brands. US home-sharing company Airbnb earlier this year chose “Aibiying,” or “welcome each other with love,” for its Chinese operations, but the name was badly received for being difficult to pronounce. Last month, NBA team Dallas Mavericks asked its fans to come up with a new Chinese name because the current xiaoniu is a mistranslation, meaning “little cows.” 选择一个中国名称对一些外国品牌来说很伤脑筋。美国的共享住宿公司Airbnb今年早些时候为其中国业务选择了“爱彼迎”这一名称,意思是“用爱欢迎彼此”,但因为发音拗口遭人嫌弃。上个月,美国职业篮球联赛达拉斯小牛队请粉丝们为他们想一个新队名,因为“小牛队”其实是个误译。
McDonald’s low-key name change came after the fast food chain sold the bulk of its Chinese mainland and Hong Kong business to financial conglomerate CITIC Group and American investment company Carlyle Capital in January. 在麦当劳(中国)有限公司低调改名前,该公司已于今年1月将其中国大陆和香港的大部分业务出售给中信集团和美国投资公司凯雷资本。
McDonald’s opened its first restaurant in China in 1990, and the brand, closely associated with a Western lifestyle, took off. Long lines formed whenever a new location opened. However, in recent years the fast food chain has struggled to maintain its growth momentum in China as more prosperous, health-conscious consumers seek alternative dining options. 麦当劳于1990年在中国开设首家门店,生意迅速火爆起来,其品牌与西方生活方式紧密相连。每当有新店开业,门前总会排起长队。但近年来,中国消费者越来越富裕,也越来越有健康意识,就餐选择更多样化,麦当劳保持在中国的发展势头也开始困难起来。
第一种解释:麦当劳金色拱门形状的标志在西方有个著名的昵称——Golden Arches,直译过来就是“金拱门”。
第二种解释:上个世纪六十年代,麦当劳听取了美国心理学家路易斯·彻斯金(Louis Cheskin)的建议,使用这个金拱门作为自己的Logo。彻斯金称,金色拱门是一种营销策略,可以让顾客看到这个标志时就会想到是一对滋养的乳房——然后他们就饿了。