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特朗普:如果不打贸易战 美股不会是这个鬼样子(3)

▲Trump admits his trade war is hurting the stock market (via Washington Post)

(图via Fox Business)

(图via CNBC)

也难怪,在《华盛顿邮报》“特朗普承认,他的贸易战伤害了股市”(Trump admits his trade war is hurting the stock market) 一文里,作者无不嘲讽地说:

After touting the benefits of his trade war for months, Trump has made three key concessions in the past few weeks on matters he had earlier denied or deflected: American companies pay the tariffs on the goods they import; those costs can be passed on to consumers; and those increased costs can lead to an economic slowdown。


But Trump’s acknowledging that the U.S。 stock market is likely to have taken a hit from his trade war is perhaps his most telling trade war concession。 


▲Trump admits his trade war is hurting the stock market (via Washington Post)


FACT: (Wow!!! Trump told the TRUTH!)

Just stretched it a little 。。。 Trump meant to say Dow would be 10,000 points higher without HIS 。。。 Trade War(s)!




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