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特朗普:如果不打贸易战 美股不会是这个鬼样子




(图via Evan Vucci/Shutterstock)


“Let me tell you, if I wanted to do nothing with China, my stock market, our stock market, would be 10,000 points higher than it is right now,” Trump told reporters at the White House。 


▲Trump says the Dow would be ‘10,000 points higher’ if he hadn‘t started a trade war with China (via Business Insider)

(截图via Washington Post)



▲受新的中美关税、美国制造业数据疲弱的影响,美股9月以下跌开局(via CNBC)

。。。it has suffered a handful of big setbacks in recent months and seen its upside capped as tensions have escalated。 


▲Trump says the Dow would be ‘10,000 points higher’ if he hadn‘t started a trade war with China (via Business Insider)

▲纽约证交所 (图via Richard Drew/AP)



“Let me tell you, if I wanted to do nothing with China, my stock market, our stock market, would be 10,000 points higher than it is right now,” Trump told reporters at the White House。 “But somebody had to do this。 To me, this is much more important than the economy … ”


▲Trump says the Dow would be ‘10,000 points higher’ if he hadn‘t started a trade war with China (via Business Insider)


美国知名科技财经媒体Business Insider直言,这恐将美国推向衰退:

Going beyond the equity market, the trade war has also weighed on the global economy, spurring a slowdown that‘s threatened to push the US into recession。


▲Trump says the Dow would be ‘10,000 points higher’ if he hadn‘t started a trade war with China (via Business Insider)


The latest came Tuesday with a report that U.S。 manufacturing contracted last month for the first time in three years。


▲Trump admits his trade war is hurting the stock market (via Washington Post)

(图via Fox Business)

(图via CNBC)

也难怪,在《华盛顿邮报》“特朗普承认,他的贸易战伤害了股市”(Trump admits his trade war is hurting the stock market) 一文里,作者无不嘲讽地说:

After touting the benefits of his trade war for months, Trump has made three key concessions in the past few weeks on matters he had earlier denied or deflected: American companies pay the tariffs on the goods they import; those costs can be passed on to consumers; and those increased costs can lead to an economic slowdown。


But Trump’s acknowledging that the U.S。 stock market is likely to have taken a hit from his trade war is perhaps his most telling trade war concession。 


▲Trump admits his trade war is hurting the stock market (via Washington Post)


FACT: (Wow!!! Trump told the TRUTH!)

Just stretched it a little 。。。 Trump meant to say Dow would be 10,000 points higher without HIS 。。。 Trade War(s)!



I‘ve been looking for an estimate of how much Trump’s stupid trade policies are dragging down the stock market。 Who knew that Trump himself would provide the figure--10,000 points on the Dow。关于特朗普的傻X贸易政策会有多拖累股市,我一直在找相关的预估。哪知道他自个儿就直接给出数字了——他拖累了道指10000点!

So, he admits that the trade war has harmed the stock market, which according to him, is the measure of a healthy economy。 So much for his claim the trade war has yet to harm Americans。 And, no, I don‘t take his claim of 10,000 pts。 seriously。所以,特朗普承认贸易战损害了股市。而他自己说过,股市是衡量经济健康与否的指标。尽管他号称贸易战还没有伤害到美国人,但事实就是伤害了。不过,10000点什么,我是不太相信的。

(via Twitter)



#China and #US have agreed to hold a new round of trade negotiations in Washington in early October。 Analysts forecast that talks will continue but no deal is in sight considering Washington‘s bullying trade tactics。 #TradeWar #ChinaUS

(via Twitter @globaltimesnews)



(责任编辑:苖玉轩 CN074)



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