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北外博士被指论文抄袭现任职湖北工大 两校将核查

2017-12-22 10:26:20    中国青年网  参与评论()人


对比发现,杨佑文论文除了多了几个引号和一个括号注解,又将“In particular”改成“Specifically”,其他内容均与孙中勤论文一致。

再比如,孙中勤论文第四部分第一节“The ICM of Deixis”的一段内容是:“Lakoff calls the above the pointing-out ICM of there-constructions, and convincingly argues that it gives rise to the prototypical structure of this category and motivates its various uses. It is clear from the above that this description of deixis is based on the following inferences: firstly, there should be an existential presupposition of an entity in space; secondly, the speaker intends to direct the hearer's attention to the entity, and thirdly, the speaker's intention is fulfilled by the use of the particular construction. It is reasonable to assume that whatever definition is proposed for the deictic ICM, it should include the three essential aspects of the ICM of there-constructions.”

杨佑文论文在题目相同的小节“The ICM of Deixis”中也写道:“Lakoff calls the above the pointing-out ICM of there-constructions, and convincingly argues that it gives rise to the prototypical structure of this category and motivates its various uses. It is clear from the above that this description of deixis is based on the following inferences: firstly, there should be an existential presupposition of an entity in space; secondly, the speaker intends to direct the hearer's attention to the entity, and thirdly, the speaker's intention is fulfilled by the use of the particular construction. It is reasonable to assume that whatever definition is proposed for the deictic ICM, it should include the three essential aspects of the ICM of there-constructions.”


杨佑文论文第三部分第一节(下)“the ICM of deixis”大部分内容与孙中勤论文第四部分第一小节(上)内容近乎完全一致。


