The trend of wearing shoes without socks is leading to a rise in cases of problems such as athlete’s foot, the College of Podiatry has warned.
注:athlete’s foot就是足癣,俗名“香港脚”、脚气,是由致病性真菌引起的足部皮肤病,具有传染性。临床表现为脚趾间起水疱、脱皮或皮肤发白湿软,也可出现糜烂或皮肤增厚、粗糙、开裂,并可蔓延至足跖及边缘,剧痒。可伴局部化脓、红肿、疼痛。由于用手抓痒处,常传染至手而发生手癣(鹅掌风)。真菌在指(趾)甲上生长,则成甲癣(灰指甲)。
The "bare ankle” look has filtered down from the catwalk to the most avid followers of fashion, with designers of menswear showcasing their formal attire with sockless models in suits.
Some of Hollywood’s biggest stars have experimented with the style, including Bradley Cooper, Ryan Gosling, Orlando Bloom and Jude Law - and online guides on how to go “sockless with style” are littered with advice on how to adopt the look, with helpful pointers such as only doing it with slim tailored trousers.
包括布莱德利 库珀、瑞恩 高斯林、奥兰多 布鲁姆和裘德 洛在内的一些好莱坞大牌明星,纷纷尝试“裸踝”风格。网上的“无袜时尚”指南也给出了各种搭配建议,比如,只能搭配铅笔裤。
高铁乘客买短乘长 今年五一假期,一则“很多买到火车票的人上不了车,原因竟是其他乘客‘买短乘长’导致火车超载”的消息颇受关注,国内行之已久的“买短乘长”惯例再度引发争议。