图 via Antara Photo/Maulana Surya
Calls for President Joko Widodo to grant her amnesty grew louder -- a Change.org petition calling on him to grant Nuril amnesty has attracted well over 300,000 signatures。
Because of how high profile her case had become, Nuril was not transferred to prison to serve her sentence immediately following the ruling and she has not served the six month sentence。
▲ Jailed for recording her boss‘s alleged sexual harassment, this mother wants to inspire women to say no to abuse(via CNN)
国际特赦组织印尼分部主任乌斯曼·哈米德(Usman Hamid)在一份声明中表示:“如果佐科总统对非政治案件给予特赦,这将是一个历史性事件。”
“I respect the decision of the court but when it‘s related to my authority, I will use my authority to give amnesty to Baiq Nuril,” Joko said, adding that her case “must be well researched first。”
When pushed whether he would grant her amnesty, Joko said, “yes if I have to do it then I will do it, why not? As soon as possible。”
If granted, Nuril‘s lawyer said the conviction would be quashed。
▲ Jailed for recording her boss‘s alleged sexual harassment, this mother wants to inspire women to say no to abuse(via CNN)
总统佐科建议众议院赦免努里尔的信 图 via Twitter/@jaripeduli
美军性骚扰案 美国国防部2日发布的一项报告显示,2018年美国军队内部性骚扰和性侵报案数量为6053起,是2004年有记录以来的最高水平。考虑到多数受害人没有报案,军方估算实际案件数量超过2万起。