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拜登支持率上任以来最低 特朗普的嘴又闲不住了(3)

Former U.S。 President Donald Trump called for his successor Joe Biden to resign on Sunday over the swift takeover of Afghanistan by the Taliban, as U.S。 troops withdrew from the country after nearly 20 years‘ military presence。 

“It is time for Joe Biden to resign in disgrace for what he has allowed happen to Afghanistan,” Trump said in a statement, also blasting him over a surge in COVID-19 cases in the United States and domestic immigration, economic and energy policies。 






美国国务卿安东尼·布林肯(Antony Blinken)告诉美国广播公司新闻频道(ABC News),“不不不,现在显然不是‘西贡时刻’。”

The Biden administration is quick to point out that Trump negotiated the Doha deal on the withdrawal and that a majority of the U.S。 public favors ending “forever wars。” 

Biden on Sunday authorized the deployment of another 1,000 U.S。 troops to Kabul to aid in the effort to evacuate thousands of U.S。 and Afghan civilians, a Pentagon official said on condition of anonymity, as those seeking safe passage out of Afghanistan converged on the airport。 

Asked if images of helicopters ferrying personnel were evocative of the United States‘ departure from Vietnam in 1975, U.S。 Secretary of State Antony Blinken told ABC News, “Let’s take a step back。 This is manifestly not Saigon。” 

(责任编辑:苖玉轩 CN074)

