在接受美国有线电视新闻网CNN的采访时,前白宫医疗团队顾问乔纳森· 雷纳(Jonathan Reiner)表示, “特朗普的行为非常自私,他为了达到自己的目的,不惜将团队成员和他的支持者们置于危险之中。”
前美国疾控中心官员威廉·沙夫纳(Wiliam Schaffner)则表示,“在不佩戴口罩且不能保证社交距离的情况下集会,是最不明智的行为。”
特朗普因无视疫情的严峻形式而屡次遭到批评。自美国新冠疫情暴发以来,特朗普政府的疫情应对就饱受各方诟病。近期,《大西洋月刊》更是刊文称, “美国目前正在遭受的,是特朗普瘟疫。”
Screenshot from the Atlantic‘s website
Since late April, when the COVID-19 pandemic began to take a heavy toll on Americans, Trump and his administration have been condemned for not being able to curb the spread of the virus。 Recently, the Atlantic published an article titled “This is Trump’s Plague Now” to illustrate how Trump’s selfishness and ignorance have led to the worsening COVID-19 situation in the country。 The writer listed Trump’s mistakes that worsened the pandemic in great detail and pointed out that “the first coronavirus spike, in late April, can be blamed on the president’s negligence。 The second spike, in June, is his own doing。”