新冠病毒来源始终存疑,但还是有人不能直面美国抗疫不力的现实,并一直在玩阴谋论,不断甩锅给中国!白宫贸易顾问彼得•纳瓦罗(Peter Navarro)再次信口雌黄泼脏水给中国,却遭微软全国广播公司(MSNBC)节目主持人阿里•维尔希(Ali Velshi)质疑。纳瓦罗出尽了洋相,被网友群嘲。
On Friday, Donald Trump‘s top trade adviser Navarro was asked about the trade agreement on MSNBC。 Navarro did not answer the question but directly talked about the coronavirus。 Navarro claimed that China is responsible for forcing Americans to “stay locked in our homes and lose our jobs。” China “spawned the virus,” Navarro slandered。 “They hid the virus。 They sent hundreds of thousands of Chinese nationals over here to seed and spread the virus before we knew。”
In the face of these unfounded remarks, the MSNBC host Velshi had to interrupt Navarro to ask: “Who are hundreds of thousands of people? What are you talking about?”