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Just hours after the passage of the bill, the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) government and six Beijing offices voiced their “strong condemnation” for Washington‘s meddling in Beijing’s internal affairs and for their public support for violent rioters who have seriously destroyed the peace and stability of Hong Kong。

This act neglects facts and truth, applies double standards and blatantly interferes in HKSAR‘s affairs and China’s other internal affairs。 It is in serious violation of international law and basic norms governing international relations, said Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Geng Shuang in a press statement。 

The issue Hong Kong faces is not about human rights or democracy, but about stopping violence and chaos, upholding rule of law and restoring order as soon as possible, Geng pointed out, adding that the radical, violent and criminal practices over the past five months have  severely threatened people‘s safety and property, disrupted the rule of law and social order of Hong Kong。



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