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又一起!美国一货车内发现30名非法移民 (3)


Since 2007, more than 49,000 cases of human trafficking in the US have been reported to the National Human Trafficking Hotline, which receives an average of 150 calls per day。


The most human trafficking cases have been reported in California, Texas, and Florida, according to the hotline。 Las Vegas is also a hot spot due to the city‘s culture and high rates of homelessness。 But every state in the US has reports of human trafficking。


New York, and Queens in particular, is a documented destination for trafficking, because of its location on the eastern corridor, as well as being close to rural areas like Vermont。 As Homeland Security assistant special agent Akil Baldwin told AM New York, “New York is the epicenter of everything, legitimate and illegitimate”。

纽约,特别是皇后区,由于其位于东部走廊,且靠近佛蒙特州等农村地区,故也是一个有记录在案的人口贩卖目的地。正如国土安全部助理特别探员Akil baldwin对美国AM New York所说,“纽约处在一切合法和非法事物的中心”。

▲20 staggering facts about human trafficking in the US Via Business Insider

图文:Business Insider,Fox News


(责任编辑:孙启浩 CN037)

