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美杂志公然向未成年人推广性工作 遭舆论抨击

原标题:舆论抨击《Teen Vogue》杂志公然向未成年人推广性工作

美国青少年时尚杂志《Teen Vogue》的文章,竟然将性工作作为“真正的工作”向年轻读者推广。

今年4月,这本面向12至18岁青年人的时尚杂志,首次刊登了一篇题为《为什么性工作是真正的工作》(Why Sex Work Is Real Work)的文章,当时并没有引起太多关注。不过,当该杂志决定本周在推特上再次推广这篇文章后,引起了新的关注和批评。

(图 via Twitter)

In the piece, Dr Tlaleng Mofokeng argues for the decriminalization of sex work across the world, citing global efforts to ensure better labor rights for the women involved。 The continued criminalization of sex work is “a form of violence by governments and contributes to the high level of stigma and discrimination” around prostitution, she argues。

在这篇文章中,(作者)Tlaleng Mofokeng主张,在全世界范围内将性工作去犯罪化,并引用了全球范围内为性工作者提供更好的劳动权利所做的努力。她认为,继续将性工作定义为犯罪是“政府的一种暴力形式,推高了对卖淫的羞辱和歧视层次”。

Yet, large chunks of Mofokeng’s article come across more as an advertisement for sex work as a potential career path than a simple argument for decriminalization – with little said about the dire circumstances which often lead young girls into that world。


Mofokeng tells teen readers that people often “misunderstand” what sex work actually is, writing that “sex-worker services” can include “companionship, intimacy, nonsexual role playing, dancing, escorting and stripping。” She also suggests that relationships that started off as sexual could “evolve” into “emotional and psychological bonding。”

