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清凉度爆表 凤凰谷带你度过三伏天

2017-08-13 06:57:11    中国青年网  参与评论()人

竹林、瀑布、小溪、水潭……当这些词都集中在一个地方时,能带给你的只有爆表的清凉度!“Bamboo, forest, waterfalls, streams and pools, when all of these items appear in one place, you can imagine that how cool it is.”。 也许正是这样,它才成了南宁市打造“马上大”旅游圈的景点之一。今天,让我们一起走进距南宁市区最近的天然森林大氧吧——凤凰谷,感受不一样的清凉。“Today, let's take a look at the Phoenix Valley, the nature forest oxygen bar which is close to the downtown area of Nanning city.”。

位于三塘镇四塘那笔村的凤凰谷,山环水绕,谷中最多的就是溪水瀑布。“The Phoenix Valley is located in Nabi Village of Santang Town. It is surrounded by mountains and rivers. There are lots of streams and waterfalls in the valley.”。 有飞流直下的“银飞瀑布”,有温文尔雅的“凤凰”瀑布,有成群结队的“龙门”瀑布群,还有会睡觉的“步步高”瀑布和人形“美女”瀑布。想必,沐浴在众多的瀑布之中,三伏天也不算什么了。“If we can swim or take a shower in the water, the dog days must be a piece of cake.”。

凤凰谷中修建了可亲近溪流的溯溪道,游客既可近距离感受溪流瀑布,又可以入水抓虾摸鱼。“A river tracing way is built in the valley and it is near the streams. People can feel the water closely and get into the water to catch fish and shrimps.” 。一家人溯溪而上,清风阵阵,鸟鸣声声,从头到脚都能感受到那不一样的清凉。

谷中还有一多,那就是竹林多。“There are many bamboos in the valley as well.”。从景区门口,沿着溪水往上游走7~8公里,不同的竹林可让你欣赏到不一样的美景。“Go from the enter of the scenic spot, seven or eight kilometers alone the stream, you will see the different views of different bamboo forest. ”。既为竹的清高气节所感慨,也会感悟竹的君子七德,还可以品尝竹笋、竹林鸡等各种野菜、山珍。如果你喜欢烧烤,竹林下,小河边,一家人一边烧烤一边聊天,其乐融融。

如果你是个爱热闹的人,壮乡民俗活动体验(the folk activities experience of the Zhuang nationality),如跳竹排舞(bamboo dance)、穿木板鞋行走比赛(walking race with wooden slippers)、抛绣球(embroidered ball games)、骑竹马(bamboo horse riding)、滚铁环(iron hoop rolling)、跳皮筋(rubber bands skipping)等,可以让你嗨翻天。“If you are a active person, all of these folk activities will make you high and happy.”。

心动就赶紧行动吧!除了自驾车,你还可以选择搭乘公交车。7月下旬,从金桥客运站开往五塘的K8公交快线已经通车,乘坐公交车到四塘下车,再搭个摩托车就能到达。(本报记者 叶祯/文 黄倩华/翻译)
