In an effort to save its at-risk coral reefs, Hawaii has become the first state to pass a law banning specific sunscreen products.
The new law prohibits the sale and distribution of sunscreens containing the chemicals oxybenzone and octinoxate. Scientists have found that these chemicals, when washed off the skin and into the ocean, can cause coral bleaching.
Coral reefs are fragile, yet vital, parts of the world's ecosystems, and they support the highest marine biodiversity in the world. Reefs are also essential to more than half a billion people who depend on them for food, jobs and recreation — with an estimated economic impact of $375 billion a year.
As early as the 1990s, scientists have examined the effects of sunscreen, and other personal products made with chemicals, on the environment. And a globe-spanning 2015 study examined coral reefs in the US Virgin Islands, Israel and Hawaii, and found that oxybenzone significantly leaches coral of nutrients. Some ecotourism sites and private resorts in the tropics already prohibit similar products.
新华社悉尼3月17日电 澳大利亚一项新研究发现,内陆河流径流的水质下降会妨碍受白化等破坏性因素影响的大堡礁珊瑚自我修复,改善当地水质将有助于提高珊瑚礁的“自愈”能力