
2017-03-21 15:09:12   中华网


胡杨  Ms. Stella Hu


CEO of NZC Media Group Ltd


新中传媒:新中传媒是新西兰华人拥有的唯一的一个有媒体实体,集广播 ,报纸,杂志,电视,新媒体为一体的媒体集团公司。新中传媒集团旗下有:新西兰中文广播电台 FM90.6, 报纸 《中文时代》,杂志《KIWI STYLE》,电视 Panda TV, 以及各新媒体。自创立以來,新中传媒集团不断集中整合資源,发挥报道优势,在媒体和受众之间,在亚裔和主流社会之间,在中国和新西兰之间架设起一座沟通互动的桥梁。新中传媒依靠专业人才优势,以传承中华文化為己任,以报道新闻事实为依据,独立自主,守望社会公义,沟通中外、华洋社群,己成为新西兰拥有媒体最全,最有影響力的传媒集团之一。

Bachelor of Journalism from China. Bachelor of Property from the University of AucklandOver 25 years of industry expertise in the media sector both in China and New Zealand.

Successful track record and experience in the entrepreneurship and management of media enterprises. Over 15 Years industry expertise in propety development sector in NZ.

NZC Media Group Ltd is currently the leading mass media corporation targeting both Chinese and New Zealander, with assets spanning across numerous media functions, including newspaper publication, radio, magazine and television channel. Its current underlying entities include Radio Chinese FM90.6, Chinese Times, Kiwi Style magazine and Panda TV. Since its inception, through resource optimisation and sourcing top industry talents, NZC Media has continuously strived to enhance communication and establish better links both within the NZ Chinese population, as well as with the rest of NZ and beyond. Adhering to our long-upheld values has been key to how we do business. It is via operating with integrity, establishing our root and reputation as a good corporate citizen, whilst embracing the inheritance of Chinese culture as our utmost initiative, that has allowed NZC Media Group to become one of the most influential Media corporation in New Zealand.

(责任编辑:丁勇 CN007)