
2017-03-21 15:07:33   中华网


克林奇Mr.Yuksel Mansur KILINC


Director General,Yon Radio,Turkey

克林奇于1995 年协助创办了Yön Radio。他同时是广播电视专业协会(RATEM) 的创始人,该协会成立于2001 年。现在,克林奇在新媒体领域工作。由他担任董事会主席的Yön Radio 是中国国际广播电台和新疆人民广播电台的播出合作伙伴。

近几年来,土耳其方向电台开展了如下主要项目:1.土耳其方向电台台长克林奇先生于2013 年作为土耳其广播电视行业协会的代表出访阿尔巴尼亚和马其顿,考察当地广电行业的发展;2.土耳其方向电台先后参加2013 和2014 年的伊斯坦布尔电视博览会;3.土耳其方向电台围绕“丝绸之路”的主题与中国新疆传媒公司开展媒体合作。

方向电台位于土耳其最大城市伊斯坦布尔,是一家有15年历史的电台,在伊斯坦布尔102家调频电台中排名在前10位。该电台对伊斯坦布尔及周边的马尔马拉地区广播,发射覆盖人口2000万,固定听众数量超过200 万。此外,还通过卫星覆盖土耳其全境以及欧洲、高加索、中东和北非。Yön Radio 是中国国际广播电台和新疆人民广播电台的播出合作伙伴, 也是“亚洲媒体合作组织"的首批发起成员。

Yuksel was born in Istanbul in 1961. A Yellow Press card owner, he is the founder and coordinator of YönRadio, which was established in 1995. He is also the founder of the Professional Association of Radio andTelevision (RATEM), which was established in 2001. He is currently working in the field of new media. Heis on the Board of Directors at Yön Radio, which is also a broadcast partner of China International Radioand Xinjiang People's Broadcasting Station.

In the past two years, Turkey Yön Radio launched the following major projects: 1. In 2013, Mr. Kilinc, theDirector General of Turkey Yön Radio visited Albania and Macedonia as the representative of TurkishRadio and Television Industry Association, in order to investigate the developing status of the local radioand television industry;2.Yön Radio respectively attended the Istanbul Television Exhibition in 2013 and2014 in succession; 3. Yön Radio proceeded with media cooperation with China Xinjiang Media Companybased on the theme “Silk Route”.

Yön Radio is located in Turkey's largest city, Istanbul and has 15 years of history. It is ranked among the top 10 out of Istanbul's 102 FM radio stations. This station broadcasts throughout Istanbul and the surrounding Marmara area, covers a population of 20 million, and has a set listener base of over 2 million. It also broadcasts across all of Turkey, as well as Europe, Caucasia, the Middle East, and North Africa via satellite. Yön Radio is a broadcast partner with China Radio International and Xinjiang People's Broadcasting Station, as well as an original member of the Asian Media Cooperative Organization.

(责任编辑:丁勇 CN007)