徐一龙Mr. XU Yilong
Deputy Chief Editor, ToutiaoToday
北京字节跳动科技有限公司成立于2012 年3 月,公司的主要产品“今日头条”资讯客户端,是一款基于数据挖掘技术的个性化推荐引擎产品。“今日头条”致力于帮助用户在移动互联网上方便快捷地获取最有价值的信息,它会根据用户的兴趣为其推荐内容,这是对传统信息分发方式的一次巨大颠覆。
“今日头条”面市后,迅速获得市场认可,长期占据苹果应用商店新闻类榜首。截至2016 年12 月底,今日头条日活跃用户超过7800 万,单用户日均使用时长超过76 分钟。目前已有超过44 万个个人、组织开设头条号。
Xu Yilong is the Deputy Editor-in-Chief of Toutiao.He was once the Editor of the Beijing Times' SpecialReports, Deputy Editor-in-Chief of China Weekly, andDirector of Sohu's News Center. He has accumulatedyears of professional experience in the contentproduction and content distribution industries, and hisswitch from a media position to a platform positionis proof of the growth and change in the information industry. He is currently in charge of informationrelatedbusiness at Toutiao.
Founded in March 2012, Beijing Bytedance TechnologyCo., Ltd. runs Toutiao, a mobile application that makespersonalized content recommendation based on datamining. Toutiao's mission is to help its users consumethe most valuable information in the most convenientfashion. Born to revolutionize the information distributionindustry, our application presents content based on theuser's interests.
Since Toutiao's launch in the market, it has won aremarkable market share and remained as a leadingnews app in Apple's App Store. As of Dec 31, 2016,Toutiao serves 78 million daily active users. To date,more than 440,000 individuals and organizations havestarted their Toutiaohao accounts, a self-publishing newmedia account within the app.