Mr. Han Woo Duck, Director of South Korea Central Daily China Institute
韩友德先生在华东师范大学取得经济学博士学位,2009 年~2016 年担任驻中国北京和上海的常驻记者。他目前主要从事中国经济相关内容的研究,同时对于东亚经济合作、韩中经济合作等领域感兴趣。韩国中央日报社中国研究所是韩国所有媒体当中唯一一所专门研究中国的专业研究机构。
Woody Han earned his Ph.D. in economics at East China Normal University.He became a correspondent in Beijing and Shanghai in 2009 and the term ends in 2016. His studies are currently focused on the Chinese economy, which coincides with his work on several publications. He is also interested in economic cooperation of East Asia and Sino-Korea economic cooperation.The China Institute of JoongAngIlbo is the only professional research institution that specializes in China study among all South Korean media.