
2016-03-19 16:49:08   中华网



吴哥哥 缅甸仰光媒体集团主席

Mr. U Ko Ko, Chairman,Yangon Media Group


仰光媒体集团成立于2004年,职员200余人。出版发行的《仰光时报》为周刊,关注国内新闻。《今日民主》(Democracy Today)为日报,关注国际、国内时事和教育、健康。《鲜花新闻》(Flower News)为周刊,主要专注于政治、经济类和国内外娱乐新闻。其中《今日民主》日发行量近10万份。

Mr. U Ko Ko works as CEO of Yangon Media Group which owns The Yangon Times, Democracy Today and Flower News. Democracy Today is the second largest circulating private newspaper in Myanmar. He also serves as Honorary President of the Myanmar Writers and Journalists Association and Vice Chairman of the Myanmar Broadcasting Association.

Yangon Media Group was founded in 2004 and has a staff of over 200 people. The Yangon Times is a weekly newspaper focused on domestic news. Democracy Today is a daily newspaper focused on domestic and international events, education and health. Flower News is a weekly newspaper focused on political, economic and entertainment news at home and abroad. The daily circulation of Democracy Today is nearly 100,000.

(责任编辑:丁勇 CN007)