
2016-03-19 16:46:49   中华网



迪帕克•玛尼•蒂哈尔 尼泊尔国家电视台台长

Mr. Deepak Mani DHITAL, Director General, the National Television of Nepal


After graduating from University of Delhi in Electrical Engineering, Deepak Mani joined Nepal Television (NTV) as a Senior Officer Engineer in 1991 in the Engineering Department. Nepal Television is a national Broadcasting Company fully owned by the government of Nepal. In 1997 Deepak Mani did post graduation in Satellite communication and was given the responsibility to head the Network expansion project. As head of the Network Expansion project, he expanded the terrestrial network countrywide; Deepak Mani has worked in several projects as well as in high level committees of the ministry of Communication. Some of them are making digital road map of Nepal, studying project for the feasibility of launching the own satellite for Nepal, making new media policy for Nepal, and converting Nepal television to a public Service Broadcaster etc. Presently he is one of the most senior staff of Nepal Television and is working for full digitization of Nepal Television, expansion of network, making business plan, incorporating new technologies and transforming Nepal Television to a public service broadcaster, making policy as well as and monitoring International Relations.

(责任编辑:丁勇 CN007)